How do I start Instagram marketing?

Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has proved to be a platform with a lot of potentials. In its starting years, it was just like any other social platform: filled with selfies, pets, and pictures of food. Now, it is considered as the ultimate platform for photo sharing. With over 800 million users every month that is active on the site, more than 60 million images are posted every day, and 1.6 billion daily “likes” are made. With this record, it came in second to Facebook.

More importantly, it is not just some site for people showing off great moments of their lives, but also a platform very capable of business marketing. Holding a large number of Instagrammers, you can easily boost your reputation, traffic, leads, and sales if you do it right. It is a great place to advertise your business, reach new customers, and captivate your audience.

What you need to focus on is posting the right type of content for your audience. Having relevant posts helps you keep your current audience while earning new ones. The challenge is knowing how to do it or let alone start it.

Worry no more. In this blog post, we will give you tips on how to start an Instagram marketing for your brand.

Starting up your brand’s Instagram marketing

Step #1: Shift to a business profile

Before anything else, you need to have an Instagram Business Account. This step is actually very easy.

First, you must go to your settings and click on “Switch to Business Profile.” After that, you will notice some clear benefits to having a business profile. For instance, fans can select your contact button to contact you directly from your Instagram page just like they would from your site on the web. Another benefit from an Instagram business profile is creating and publishing Instagram advertisements without needing to use advertising tools of Facebook. You also have access to Insight, an Instagram analytics tool. It gives stats about the reaches and impacts of your posts. You need to begin using free perks that come along with a business profile to track metrics and know your audience once you unlock them.

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Step #2: Make use of free Instagram tools

Instagram and Facebook business profiles don’t differ much from each other. With Insights, you can see statistics like impressions, engagement data, and others. What’s more, is that you can get an itemization of the demographics of your fans, including data on their age, gender, location, and most active hours. Also, the insights you get are not only generalized. You can get precise and specific insights on posts for the week that tell you the number of impressions you made for that time period and what your best posts were. What makes these tools priceless is the fact that you use them to understand precisely how users are socializing with your content. If you know them better, the better you can modify your content to increase commitment.

Step #3: Post product teasers

Product teasers will smoothly push people to purchase. You can market more products just by posting product teasers on Instagram. Yes, you read that correctly! Why? Because Instagram is a great place to promote your products or services. And if you make your moves right, you won’t disturb users or scare them away with ads, either. To avoid fans unfollowing your page, you should not be pushy. The purpose of product teasers is making you look you are not trying too hard but still boosting your audience’s excitement.

Teasing them about the products they are interested in not pushing them into purchasing anything will make them more likely to actually buy some of your goods. The least outcome you can get from this is their likes, reacts, and shares. Nonetheless, this is good for your brand’s visibility. It is a win-win.

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Step #4: Make sponsored advertisements

Instagram ads are very common on the site. What’s best is that you can set an ad budget. This will help you manage exactly how much expenses you want to use on them. Your options are either to show just one sponsored ad or multiple ads with the carousel trait. Without sponsored ads, the only people who can see your posts are the ones who are following your page. But with it, you promote your images to anyone that suits as prospect target audience to grow their reach farther than it was.

For sponsored ads, you can use photos, videos, carousel/dynamic ads, stories, and stories canvas.

Step #5: Post with right timing and volume

If you post too much, your followers might just leave you. This doesn’t mean that you don’t post constantly. You still to post regularly to keep them updated about your brand. Our suggestion is to post only in peak days and hours when most of your followers are on Instagram.

Wrapping up

The steps provided above will be enough to help you start your Instagram marketing. In the process, you will learn more and more things to apply in your approach. If you follow these steps, you are sure to have a good beginning that will result in long-term success.


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About the Author: Adam