Amazon Influencer Program | Becoming an Amazon Influencer: What You Need to Know

Amazon Influencer Program | Becoming an Amazon Influencer: What You Need to Know

Amazon Influencer Program | Becoming an Amazon Influencer: What You Need to Know

If you need more “engagement” on your social posts and channels, I recommend you try this:


The Amazon Influencer Program is a service offered by Amazon that allows influencers to earn fees for promoting and recommending products from Amazon on their social media channels and other online platforms. Influencers who are accepted into the program are given a unique URL to share with their followers, which allows Amazon to track the sales that are generated from the influencer’s recommendations. Influencers can earn fees on a per-sale basis or through a referral fee for each customer that they refer to Amazon. The Amazon Influencer Program is open to influencers in a variety of niches and categories, and influencers can use the program to promote a wide range of products, including books, electronics, beauty products, and more.

To become an Amazon Influencer, you must first apply to the program and be accepted by Amazon. Influencers are typically accepted into the program based on their level of engagement and the size of their audience.

Once accepted into the program, influencers are given a unique URL to share with their followers. This URL allows Amazon to track the sales that are generated from the influencer’s recommendations.

Influencers can promote a wide range of products from Amazon on their social media channels and other online platforms, including books, electronics, beauty products, and more.

Influencers can earn fees in two ways: either on a per-sale basis, or through a referral fee for each customer that they refer to Amazon. The exact fees that influencers earn will depend on the product category and the referral rate for that category.

The Amazon Influencer Program is open to influencers in a variety of niches and categories. Influencers can use the program to promote products that align with their personal brand and interests.

Influencers are responsible for disclosing their relationship with Amazon to their followers, as required by law. This typically involves disclosing that they are receiving a commission or fee for promoting Amazon products.

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Hey, what's up everybody? It's Adam with DIY Agency, and
today we're gonna talk about The Amazon Influencer program. So just being upfront, I just got
approved for this program, so this Video is not about necessarily the
commissions I've made or anything Like that, but I do want to explain
the process and how you too can get Approved for this program because it's. So first, let's talk about what it is. Really simply. It's a, a process where you're able to
create video and, uh, text content, uh, That promotes Amazon products, and you
can obviously make money from doing so. Uh, so really what they're gonna
do is once you get approved, You're gonna build a storefront. Um, you're gonna create content
and then hopefully you're Gonna make some money from it. Now, the beautiful part
about this is you can. Either things that you've already
bought on Amazon or anything within The Amazon community, quite frankly. So, um, obviously it's great if
you have the product, uh, that's Gonna be the best way to sell it. Um, but I have seen people
that are actually just kind of Doing, uh, a walkthrough without
actually owning the product. Um, but for me, I'm gonna tell
you the best way to do it is to Have something in your hands or
be able to kind of show with your. Yes, uh, uh, uh, you know, something
tangible for, for a buyer so that They can understand that it's a
good product to buy and then buy it. And that's how you earn the commission. So, um, literally whether you bought it
from Amazon or not, so if you bought an IPhone and you bought it through the Apple
store, for example, and you, you know, Can find it on Amazon, uh, you can still
sell, uh, you know, promote it if you. Um, through their, uh, their
storefront or through your storefront And still make commissions, even
though you never bought it through Amazon, as long as it's eligible
on Amazon, you'll be able to do it. So what they do is they'll
create a, uh, a, a really a page

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For you to create the content. Um, and again, you know what an a,
I'm not gonna go too deep in this, but Really at the bottom of the influencer
page, you're just gonna click. Um, and from there, what it's gonna
do is it's gonna ask you to, you know, Choose the account that you already have. Um, if you don't have an account,
you're gonna create a new account. And, uh, you know, from there
we're just gonna click on that And, uh, my page is already ready. What it's going to typically do
is ask you for, um, either an Instagram account, a TikTok account,
a YouTube account, or a Facebook. And really what you're, you're
they're looking for is activity. They're looking for a lot of
videos being created, um, on those Accounts, or a lot of engagement
on the posts that you're making. So if you create a post on TikTok and
it gets a lot of engagement, you're more Likely to get approved for the program. Um, if you're not getting a lot of,
uh, a lot of activity on your posts, You need to have a lot of posts. If you get tons of activity
on your posts, again, likes. Um, share stuff like that. You don't need as many, um, followers. You don't ne necessarily need as
many, uh, videos or, or, or posts. Um, but the combination of all of
the above is really what's gonna help You to get, uh, approved quickly. So once you do get approved, and
again, I'm gonna share b links Below that, uh, that allow you
to get more likes, comments. Uh, you know, uh, followers, all
those things without necessarily Having a huge audience. You can get these things
done pretty quickly. Um, there's no guarantee that they'll
work to get you approved for this. Again, it took me about a month and a
half, quite frankly, um, to get approved. Uh, I tried many different accounts. I tried my Facebook account,
I tried my Instagram account. I tried the TikTok account. Uh, I did eventually get approved
utilizing my YouTube account, but I

Actually got, um, denied previously
on that same YouTube account. And what I found is it wasn't
necessarily about engagement as much As just posting a lot of videos, uh,
consecutively over, over a number of days. Um, and then trying it
again got me approved. So let's dig deeper into
what happens once you are. So once you're approved, they're gonna
take you to a page like this that you're Gonna have to just kind of upload a
photo, upload a background if you want. Um, I'm just leaving a, a blank. And then upload a, a quick bio. Uh, from there what you're
gonna do is create content. It's gonna ask you if you want to post
a video or a photo of the content that You're, uh, you're looking to promote,
um, an idea list or a live stream. So they do actually like you to go. But what you will need to know,
need to have is the same things That you'll have on a post. So if I wanted to create a new post,
all I would do is uh, just click post. And what it's gonna do is ask me to click,
um, click to upload a video or an image. Now, For me, I had a couple videos
already ready to go from another, Uh, YouTube channel that I created
where I actually did review products. Um, but again, what I would suggest you do
is have something ready to go before you Start to upload, uh, you know, a video of
something around your house that you've Previously purchased through Amazon. Uh, whether it's a demo
or just a quick review. To me, it's important that somebody
sees the product, uh, whether they saw. Being unwrapped and un unpackaged
initially, or if they saw it three Years, uh, into your ownership. Um, that's up to you. So, uh, a great example would be is if
you just bought something and it's a new Pair of, uh, you know, shoes, for example,
and you unwrapped them and you show The process of how they were packaged,
uh, how they arrived at your doorstep. These are things that are valuable to
people that are, you know, concerned About whether or not they should buy
it and how it's gonna show up to their. Um, there's also people that are
gonna want to see the wear and Tear on a product, so you can't
necessarily demonstrate that when

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You're doing an unboxing video. But you can demonstrate that if you've
owned something for three years. So if you're showing something that's
been around your house for a long time, You can say, Hey look, this is held up
really well for wear and tear and it's Doing great, and show the actual product,
um, that's been around for three years. So that actually holds value
to some people because it's not Always about how it shows up to my. It might be like, how's it gonna
show, how's it gonna last for me? Um, if I'm a, you know, an adult, uh,
or if I, if I have a kid that uses the Product, you know, three to five times
a day, one of my reviews is about a, A softball bat that my daughter used. Another review I did was a, uh, a pair
of cleats that I bought for my daughter. And so I did on those show, kind of the
unboxing, but it also showed what they. After a couple uses so that people
can understand the wear and tear. Again, how you create your
videos is completely up to you. Really the key component here, being
that you're actually showing a product And it's hopefully providing value to
somebody that's on the fence about whether Or not to buy a product through Amazon. So really what you would do is just
upload that video and then you're Gonna literally just go through
and search to tag the product. So again, uh, If you wanna type, type
in softball, bat, bat for example, Um, you know, that's one way to do it. You can literally just find anything
specific as a ba baseball bat and You can tag them, um, here and there. But what I would do is be
very specific about it. So I did a Demarini prism bat, you know. And what you can do is literally
just click on the one that you did. Um, or you can look at your
previous orders so you know, stuff That you've previously purchased. You can, uh, just go through
and, uh, again, you know, I just Bought this space heater cuz my
old space heater, heater died. I will be doing a review. I didn't do an unboxing review, but
what I'll do is actually show how it's Been working for, you know, the past
seven days and the temperature it's

Keeping my garage, stuff like that. So you could just search
through your orders. Um, I did buy a D Mariney bat. So literally what we're gonna do
is just click on that, for example. Um, and that would be the done part. And really what you want to do is,
uh, have a title ready, uh, for me, I, I, you know, again, I, I simply just
put the name of the product and, uh, Review as the title, and then you're
just gonna submit the post from there. And it's really that simple. Uh, I'm gonna discard the
changes just so you can see it. But one thing you'll need, or
one thing that's not visible here Is just a title for your review. And. For me, it's as, as simple as naming
the product and saying, review or, You know, anything you want to do. It doesn't need to be
60 characters or less. So once you've created those
vi those product videos, what They'll do is they will put you
in a re in, in a review process. It took me, uh, about 30 minutes
before I got to this stage. Um, and now they're the products again. I've got the, the demarini bat. I've got the, the. Um, I did a heated, heated vest review. What I will do is eventually go in
and change the thumbnail for these, Because I didn't realize, uh, you know,
it just grabs an automatic thumbnail. Um, so I can't change it right now because
I'm still in the, uh, the review phase. But once it's reviewed, uh,
officially by Amazon, I will go In and change the thumbnails. Now, the keys for. Is I just uploaded them today, literally. Um, once they are done, I'll be looking
at views, view, duration, stuff like that. But anytime somebody watches your video
and then buys the product, and this Will be in the Amazon marketplace,
you'll actually get a commission. So, Anybody familiar with Amazon
commissions knows you don't make a ton of

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Money per product, but it's about volume. So the more more products you have,
the more likely you are to make A, make, make, uh, a commission. So what I'll be doing is once I get
past these initial three videos, Um, And as past moderation, I'm gonna start
uploading everything that I've ever Purchased in, in from Amazon, and, uh,
just showing quick reviews of saying, Hey, you know what, I've had it. I'll, I'll mention the purchase date
and, and today's date and say I've Had it for a year and a half, and I'll
just show, you know, how it's held up. Um, now I've, I've
literally bought clothing. I've bought the camera that I'm
actually recording this on the Microphone that I'm recording this. So I will be doing everything I've
ever purchased, and I'll go through And actually look at my old purchases
and then just literally take my, my, You know, my, my phone camera, I'll
go out and I'll literally just go And, uh, I, I'll, I'll film a video
and make it, you know, a three to Five minute video if that much even. And, uh, just give my, my per,
you know, my particular, uh, you Know, take on whether or not the
product's worth buying or not. , what I would obviously recommend is that
you do do positive reviews, uh, unless it Really was a crappy product and you want
to keep people from, uh, from buying it. But at the end of the day,
understand that you only make a Commission when people buy something. So they may like your review, but you
want them to buy based on your review. And that's gonna make the difference
in, uh, you know, how much Conversion are commissions that
you do make, uh, from your videos. Hopefully this gives you a quick
idea of how, um, how to really Make, make money from this. Now, again, the key components to
getting approved, I will put again A link below about, it's about
activity on your, your posts, your Social posts, and or volume of posts. So I would recommend that you make a
lot of videos if you're gonna utilize YouTube and do it consecutively. So be, uh, you know, be
constantly posting your, your

Content and try and get as much. Activity on those. Again, uh, likes, comments, shares,
uh, and of course follower volume. Uh, the more followers you have or
the more subscribers you have to Your, your channel, um, the more
likely you are to get approved. Please let me know what
questions you have below. Um, as always, I love your likes, I love
your comments, and I love subscriptions. So, you know, hit that bell below
to subscribe for more of my. And I'll look forward to, uh,
talking to you on the next video. Thanks.

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About the Author: Adam