Get Your First Ad Agency Client For Free By Giving Away Free Stuff Using HighLevel & Marketing Boost
14 Day Free Trial to HighLevel:
HighLevel Demo:
7 Day Free Trial to Marketing Boost:
Marketing Boost Demo:
Hey Agency Owners.
If you are struggling to get new clients… or if you give your clients free trials to test you out, you need to try the Web Chat Widget from High Level.
Watch the video for details, then try it out for yourself for free for 2 weeks… using this link: https://diy.agency/recommends/ghl/
Chat widgets can be an effective tool for converting customers by providing quick and easy access to customer support and assistance. They can also be used to answer frequently asked questions, guide customers through the purchase process, and provide personalized recommendations. However, the effectiveness of chat widgets in converting customers will depend on various factors such as the quality of customer service provided, the ease of use of the widget, and the overall customer experience.
The HighLevel Live Chat widget is a simple and effective way to generate leads without the need for ad spend. Unlike traditional live chat, the HighLevel widget offers a superior user experience by allowing for a 2-way SMS chat, enabling customers to continue the conversation even if they leave the website.
🔥▬▬▬▬▬My Favorite Tools▬▬▬▬▬💰
🔥The BEST Voiceover Software Available: https://diy.agency/recommends/descript/
🔥AI Powered Article Creation: https://diy.agency/recommends/ai-copywriting-tools/
🔥▬▬▬▬▬My Favorite Affiliate Programs▬▬▬▬▬💰
💰Go HighLevel: https://diy.agency/recommends/ghl-affiliate/
Demo: https://youtu.be/f6CHtjT59gw
💰Marketing Boost: https://diy.agency/recommends/marketing-boost-affiliate-program/
Demo: https://youtu.be/gqF__GEmswg
💰ClickFunnels: https://diy.agency/recommends/clickfunnels/
Be sure to Like, Comment & Subscribe!
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Hey, what's up everybody? Adam with d I y agency, and today
we're gonna learn how to get Your first advertising agency. By giving away free trials and
using free services to fulfill. So you can get your first new
client today using free services Without having to pay a penny. So let's learn how. So the first step is gonna
be utilizing high level. Um, I absolutely love these guys. I do pay for their services, but uh,
if you don't use high level already, You can absolutely try out their,
their service for 14 days for free. And so what I recommend. Keep this in mind and when you're ready
to go, start up your free trial with them. You'll have 14 days to find a,
a, a paying client to make sure That you can pay for this service. But the best way to do that is to
start by trying them out for free. And what we're gonna do is once we, we set
up our free trial with them, we're gonna Create our own little account and, uh,
it's gonna be of course, free for 14 days. And the best way to do this is to
offer up a free chat widget to local. And so what we do literally is when
we, when we actually get into our, our Back end of, of high level, um, in the,
uh, in the site section, you'll have Funnels, websites, stuff like that. Um, but on here is gonna be chat widget. And so what we're able to do is literally
just customize a little chat bubble or A chat widget, if you will, that we're
gonna put on the local businesses. Now I know you're thinking what? This isn't really gonna help. And believe me, it will especially easy to
find clients, um, utilizing this service. So what we'll do is have
a simple intro message. You can change the, the avatar
if you want to their business Logo or you know, if it's a local
business owner, um, their face. Um, and you can even customize
return, visit, uh, me messages. And what we can do is capture very
specific information on their site, Saying, have a question, or you
can customize this however you.
Um, with an intro message, you can add an
email, which I do recommend if possible. Um, but it's not a requirement. Uh, if there's needed, you know, you
can have a legal message, you can Change the colors, uh, create your own
agency branding, which I do advise. Um, so again, you know, if they're,
uh, if, if you're putting it on their Site for free, why not have your
brand like Adam's agency or, you Know, lead Convert RX with a link to
your website, um, to, uh, to promote. Um, so again, you can create
your own display name. You can create whatever URL you want,
um, as far as the branding and, uh, You know, from there, once they, uh,
they do submit their information. Just a quick thank you message now. It's very, very easy. It's super easy to put
this on their website. All you're gonna do is just get some code
and literally just copy that code and put It right into the footer of their website. It's obviously easy if it's gonna be
set up on WordPress, but any footer On any website will actually work. And it's as simple as this. What they're gonna see is
a little popup like this. And again, it's uh, you know, they're, if
it's a fresh website, you'll actually see A, a picture very similar to, um, to this. Um, have a question widget. Because I've reloaded it on my website. It's just showing it, uh,
with, with the question mark. But once they click on that,
it'll be a name, phone number, Um, could be email if you want. And it's all set up there. And once they send it, um, they'll just
click send and, uh, you know, you're All set up again, powered by shows you
kind of exactly how, uh, how it works. And you can link it to
any website you want. So from there, what we're doing
is we're capturing their name, Email address, and phone number. Now this is again, gonna just
take a quick setup, so this Will take a little bit of time.
This is the hardest part
of the whole process. Where we're gonna, you don't have to
use a Facebook messenger, but what we're Gonna do is create a, uh, a voicemail. If we want a voicemail drop,
you don't have to do that. Um, an SMS drop basically, where
we're automatically sending A voicemail or text message. This may or may not cost money
depending on, on your free trial. Um, but this one's definitely free
email where you're just literally Responding to them in an autoresponder. And what we're trying to. Is get them to either fulfill some kind
of action if it's, if it's like a dentist Or a, a local doctor or something like
that, maybe booking an appointment. Um, if it's a local painter, setting
up an appointment for a free estimate, Anything like that, you're just
really trying to get them to that Position where they're gonna, you're
gonna send, send this automated Response as soon as somebody shoots
an email or gives their information. And this helps you to convert
clients for this local. Without really requiring anything from
the local business owner, really what We're looking at is after 14 days, for
example, um, hopefully they've had a lot Of, uh, website traffic to their website,
and you've captured a lot of information. You've sent automations, and what you can
then do is go back and you'll have, you'll Be able to track all the conversations. Um, it'll all be listed in here and
basically it's, it's simplified. Once they give their information, and
once you start that automation process, You'll be able to track exactly how
many people have phoned, how many people Have submitted information, all that
kinds of stuff that you're then able to Go back to the business owner and say,
Hey, look, we spoke with, you know, 35 Different people over the course of the
14 days, utilizing our simple chat widget. Would you like me to set up a, now
that we know that this converts new Clients, would you like me to set
up a Facebook ad for you or run a Google ad for you and draw even more
people to your website and that's when They start paying for your service. Or you can say, Hey, I've given you
this for 14 days now it's gonna cost You a hundred dollars a month, or
$45 a month, or 10 bucks a month.
And basically it allows
you to create multiple. On this automation or on this platform
with go high level, you can create Multiple, um, automations and do all
this stuff and then you're really Getting the local business to pay
for your high level, uh, services. So again, it's very free to try it
out for 14, 14 days, but a great foot In the door to really start to earn. Um, Earn the, the client's, uh, trust
and their business by giving something to Them for free, where it costs them nothing
to start trying to do business with you. Now what I always do is try and add an
extra incentive, a, a good reason for People to want to do business with me. But more importantly, you
can also give this, this same Incentive to their customers. So what I use is Marketing Boost. Now I like Marketing Boost. Marketing Boost is a great
company that allows you to give Away complimentary, uh, hotel. Um, for travel. And so really what we do is, again, you
have seven, seven day free trial here. Um, it does have a fee after
that, and it's a monthly. But it allows you to give, uh, trips
to like, you know, anywhere in the Country if you're in the US or across
the, you know, international travel. Um, it's free hotel store or complimentary
hotel stays where all they have to do Is pay the taxes and wifi or whatever,
you know, whatever, uh, fees there are Associated with the actual room itself. Um, but the, the rental rate of
the room, the hotel room rate Is covered by this giveaway. So you're saying to local business
X, like, Hey, you know, Let's look At a dentist near me and you find,
uh, you know, let's just say, Hey, Uh, let's pick a, a dentist and
they don't have the chat widget. So I, my job is then to call, call
up Charlestown Dental and say, Hey Doctor, let's find out doctor's name. Um, hey, Dr. Jane. Uh, I noticed on your website that you
don't have a chat widget, uh, for anybody
To kind of, you know, to, to engage
with you guys when they land on your. Uh, how about I put one on for free for
14 days and for anybody that, that, you Know, uh, that submits their information,
uh, you know, we're gonna have an Automation that's behind the scenes. You don't have to do anything. We're gonna try and get
them to book an appointment. Um, same thing that you already have
here, but our automation free emails Or, or, you know, free text messages. Whatever you wanna offer is gonna follow
up with that person to try and get them Booked into a, a, a consultation with you. How's that? And hey, if, if this, uh, if this
works or if you, you're willing to do Business with me, um, how about I offer
you, or you, you run a, uh, giveaway In your office where we give away a
free trip there in Philadelphia, you Know, a free hotel stay in New York,
Chicago, Florida, something like that. Just run a giveaway. You can put it on social media
and we'll cover the cost of it. Um, basically what we're gonna do is
give you a three to four nights stay. Um, where, where it's, uh, the
hotel's cost is covered by, um, You know, by our, our, our program. And again, this is
marketing Boost, doing it. Um, would that be of interest? And you're incentivizing them to even
more so want to do business with you. And if you want, you can, you
know, it, it, it's kind of Tricky with, uh, with dental. And a lot of the medical, uh, businesses. But if you're talking to a local
florist, a local painter or something Like that, say, Hey, you know what,
when you go out and you give away Your, your, your free estimate, Mr. Painter, if anybody you know, decides to
do an interior home painting with you, Um, we're actually gonna reward them
with a trip to, you know, Las Vegas, uh, You know, Atlantic City, uh, you know,
again, Chicago, New York, whatever. There's a ton of different locations that
they can choose from that, uh, that are Done with part of MO Marketing Boost.
And again, I'll show you kind of those
right now, but we can give away a trip To Atlantic City, a four day, three
night stay to um, to Charleston, uh, To Chicago, Cape Cod, Fort Lauderdale. You get the idea. There's a ton of different
places, um, within the US and. We're, we're incentivizing them again
to either give away these vacations For, uh, their customers or you can give
them away to their staff or whatever. Um, again, it all starts with giving
away a free service to a local business. You get a 14 day free trial to set up
the, uh, the chat widget on their website. Um, again, it's easy to, to
put that information on their. It puts a, a, a chat widget
like this on their site. You then put a new lead automation
on their webs or, uh, as a follow up, Um, to, to try and get them to engage
or book a consultation or whatever Service offering they're doing. Um, you can create this as, as
long or short as you want it to be. And again, the whole focus is to get them
engaging, um, with, uh, or you're engaging On their behalf with the people that
are, uh, that are reaching out to their. And then you can incentivize it by
giving, uh, you know, offering free Con, or I'm sorry, um, free, uh, hotel
stays, uh, all over the, the world. And, uh, you know, again, it's just
finding people that don't already Have a chat widget on their website. So, so this is free. You use free trials to do, to offer your
services and, uh, and you're able to use Free trials to fulfill on your services. And you can even, uh, you know,
incentivize and take a trip on your own if You want, uh, utilizing marketing Booth. Hopefully you grab some
value out of this video. Uh, please let, let me know
in the comments what you think Or if you have any questions. And as always, please like or hit
that bell and subscribe if you, uh, Wanna see more videos like this. Looking forward to speaking
to you on the next video. Thanks. Hey guys, I want to
quickly interrupt this.
Video and say thank you for watching,
and as a way of adding more thanks. Um, if you do sign up, um, with the
link below, any of the links below, Uh, that are in the description, uh,
what I want to do is give you a, uh, Complimentary vacation incentive. Um, basically what we do is we offer,
and it's not a hundred percent. Free. But, uh, as you can see, there's tons
of different countries around the world. Uh, we'll use Mexico as an example
where you can have a six day, five Night stay, for example, or Cancun,
or Maslon, um, you know, and basically Those six days for $150, basically
all you're doing is paying the tax. Taxes and fees. And what that means is like the
wifi fees and everything, uh, you Do have to pay for your travel. But, uh, the hotel room itself
is covered minus taxes and fees. And again, this is, you know,
there's places all over the Country, uh, in the United States. They're, uh, they're all over
the world, quite frankly. You know, if you want to go to
Italy, if you wanna go to Spain, uh, You know, the uk, uh, just about. Um, that you'd want to be Australia. You know, there's Sydney for, again,
$44 a night in taxes and fees. Um, th these are, you know, really nice
hotels that you're gonna be staying in. And, uh, just wanted to, you
know, share that with you. So if you do sign up,
just reach out to me. Let me know that you
signed up using my link. And I will make sure that you get,
uh, you know, one of these to utilize. So, uh, back to the video.