Content Creation Strategy | How To Create Content That Converts
The Content Creation Strategy You’ve Been Waiting For
Link to The 3-Minute Rule by Brant Pinvidic: https://amzn.to/3QhExS8
The 4 Questions that every piece of content you create should answer.
What Is It?
How Does It Work?
Are You Sure?
Can You Do It?
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Hey, what’s up everybody? Adam with DIY Agency, and today we’re gonna talk about content creation and content creation strategy, which basically means how to create content that converts, whether it’s through affiliate marketing or your ad agency, or any interaction that you’re having with someone else.
Basically what you want to do is have a strategy that leads them down a path to introduce your concept, persuade them on that concept, and get them to take action on that concept. And again, whether you’re selling roofing materials or whether you’re trying to sell something through a landing page on the internet, you basically have to introduce something new to somebody, create that want, create that need, give them a reason to want to do business with your.
And so what we’re gonna talk about here is the exact. That I learned through a book called The Three Minute Rule, that quickly allows you to go through this process without having to run through a, hour long presentation or anything like that. Now, it doesn’t mean it only has to be three minutes, but basically what you wanna make sure you’re doing is covering all these topics or all these these points within your presentation or within your landing.
That way you know that you’ve introduced it properly, you’ve explained it properly, and given people enough reason to take action. So the first things that you wanna really focus on are, what is it? How does it work? Are you sure? And can you do it? And so we’ll break down each one of those as part of this process and give you an idea of exactly what you should be thinking about, or questions that you should be asking yourself.
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Hey, what's up everybody? Adam with DIY Agency, and today we're
gonna talk about content creation and Content creation strategy, which basically
means how to create content that converts, Whether it's through affiliate marketing
or your ad agency, or any interaction That you're having with someone else. Uh, basically what you want to do is
have a strategy that leads them down A path to introduce your concept,
persuade them on that concept, and get Them to take action on that concept. And again, whether you're selling
roofing materials or whether you're Trying to sell, uh, something through
a landing page on the internet, you Basically have to introduce something
new to somebody, create that want, Create that need, give them a reason
to want to do business with your. And so what we're gonna talk
about here is the exact. That I learned through a book called The
Three Minute Rule, that quickly allows you To kind of go through this process without
having to run through a, you know, hour Long presentation or anything like that. Now, it doesn't mean it only has to
be three minutes, but basically what You wanna make sure you're doing
is covering all these topics or all These, uh, these points within your
presentation or within your landing. That way you know that you've
introduced it properly, you've Explained it properly, and given
people enough reason to take action. So the first things that you wanna
really focus on are, what is it? How does it work? Are you sure? And can you do it? And so we'll break down each one of
those as part of this process and Give you an idea of exactly what you
should be thinking about, or questions That you should be asking yourself. Does your content have this in it? And how to create content that include. So does it describe what
your offer or ask is? That's the first and most fundamental
question is, does your content Describe what the offer or ask is? So again, if I'm selling, um, dog
training, for example, does it properly
Describe what the dog training process is? Does it properly describe
what it is and who needs it? Um, is it what you do or
what service you perform? So basically it. Is it something that you're offering
or is it a third party that's Gonna be, uh, providing this? You wanna make sure that you're
explaining that properly. What makes unique, unique, or your
service or offering unique is this Dog training service offering unique? Uh, what can you do that others can't? What is the biggest need that this fills? Are there big monetary advantages? Uh, , uh, I don't know what that means. Uh, to, to your solution, um,
what problem does this solve? Uh, who is most, most
helped by this solution? Uh, why does this have to happen today
or right now, or in the next week or so? Why does this have to, um, I'm sorry. Uh, what will be be different
for you after buying this? That is really, really big. A lot of people try and sell,
uh, features and not the futures. So it's not about necessarily
for dog training, for example. It's not about, so, you know,
explaining what the process is, what The training is, or anything like that. It's a lot of times about
explaining that your dog will come When you need the dog to come. The dog won't, uh, you know, uh, mess
up the house with potty training. Uh, the dog won't need to be
on a leash when you've mastered This dog training technique. Those are the problems that you want
to solve and how to address them. Um, and that's what will be
different after your, uh, You know, after you buy this. Um, what hole in the
market does this fill? Is there a hole in the market? Does um, you know, your unique
tr dog training solution, um,
Fill a hole in the market? Or is it just like
everybody else's solution? Why is it low risk? And again, this is something
that's important cuz uh, you know, Your money is important to you. And so, uh, you know, you
have to create enough need. Value in your offer to make sure
that somebody wants to trade Their money for your solution. So is it low risk? Have you removed all risk? Is it guaranteed? Is it, uh, you know, 30
day money back guarantee? Is it a, you know, um, a reach this
goal or else get your money back? It's, it's one of those solutions
that you need to provide. You want to minimize risks so
people are happy to give you their. In exchange for your solution, what
makes your competition inferior? Why are they not solving the problem
that, that you need, uh, solved? Is, is really what you wanna want
to, you know, kind of discuss. Um, why can't someone copy you? Why is your, again,
your solution so unique? And how easy is this to implement? Um, does it take a week? Does it take a month? Does it take a year? Um, is it something that you're gonna
need to spend more money after the fact? Are you gonna need to buy extra
tools or any, any other solutions? These are the things that you want to. , how does it work? So, you know, does it explain
why the elements of your offer Are valuable or important? Does it explain how your product
works or how you achieve your goal? Um, is it about the process? So really what you wanna make
sure that you're talking about Is how it works specifically.
And these are the features. Now, we would do want to sell that
feature as well, but you do have To implement, you know, or explain
what the features are of your. , what allows you to make
your offering work? How can you deliver on your promise? How long will, uh, what you propose take? Is this a gradual or a media change? Will you see something change overnight
or will it be, you know, uh, a th you Know, a 30 day period where all of a
sudden your dog, and again, we're sticking With dog training, your dog gets better
daily, or will it be an instant immediate. Uh, can you deliver on your promise? How long will, will what you propose take? We, we kind of talked about is
this a gradual or immediate change? Sorry, I'm kind of repeating myself. How many people have this problem? Is it a worldwide, worldwide
issue or is it just you? And sometimes this is important. People want to be part
of a, uh, a, a community. So they want to know they're not alone. They want to know that other people have
this exact same problem and that others. L have, have solved this
solution or solved this problem, Us utilizing your solution. Why haven't others used this method? So again, explain why. If, if, if it's not a problem,
that's, that's fixed by everybody. You want to explain why others
haven't solved this problem already. Um, so, you know, again, dog
training, uh, you know, getting Your dog to stop barking. Um, why have another tried to use
this, uh, you know, this, this treat Method or this, uh, you know, Um, you
know, tap in the back backside method. Why haven't they used it before? And why, you know, why is this
again important right now? Um, who's actually performing the service? This is super big.
Is this something that a third
party's gonna fix for you? Is it something that
you have to implement? It's important that you explain this
upfront so people know whether or not they Have to be involved again, how long they
have to be involved, all those things. Is there a process that
must be precisely followed? Has this been done
successfully in the past? Are you taking any shortcut? Um, how is it safe again? You know, when, when we talk
about a lot of different. Uh, we might be talking
for dogs, for example. If, uh, we're using something
that is a, uh, dog whistle or it's A, you know, a ultrasonic sound
that's, uh, that's training them. Um, is it safe for the dog? Is this solution safe for your
dog when you implement it? Um, what are the things that
only you know how to do? Uh, explain this when you're presenting
your solution that nobody else understands Why this is done because you're certified,
or this product is gonna do this because, You know, follows these exact steps. Uh, why is it, you know, that these
things are only being done by you? Um, again, why are there
no other ways to do this? Uh, would you choose
this method over others? How much money will someone
save by utilizing this method? Um, again, how it works is, is
kind of an all-encompassing thing. Why is your way the only way? It's one of those things that you
want to explain how it works, but also Explain why it's important for somebody. It's gonna back up kind of
what is it and why it's. Um, as part of this process. So the next thing you want to
do is explain, are you sure? And this is where it comes into kind of
explaining why you're the expert, why You're the one to answer this question. Um, is it a factor, a figure that
backs up some of your information? Does it prove something? Does it validate or
establish po potential?
Um, what have you said that
someone might not believe? You know, has a third
party verified your claims? Um, how can this result be replicated? These are all things that, again, if
you are unique, it's kind of gonna Be important that you explain why. Uh, unique dog training method works
and how it's backed up by science or Medical professionals or something else. You know, you need to kind of demonstrate
why, um, this will absolutely work And make sure people understand that
you're certain it will work, and Why they should know that, that,
that it's certainly gonna work. Um, how do you know
there's a need for this? What is, uh, what in your history confirm. Who are you using to deliver this? What do your, uh, reviews say? Um, these are all important things
again, that help, uh, people Understand why it's important that,
uh, your product's right for them. How valuable is this, uh, this market? Um, how have people
succeeded in this before? What makes you so sure that you're right? How did you know you were onto something? Um, why is this not too good to be true? Again, these are the questions that
people are gonna be asking themselves. So you kind of wanna make sure
you're covering this in your. Um, why is this not too good to be true? So then I don't blow this quote. Here's what I want to explain
is that, um, Arthur C. Clark had a, uh, a, uh, a widely
known quote that says, any Sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic. And what that really means is, is,
you know, before people knew what Fire was or any, you know, anybody
had experience with fire, it seemed Like magic when fire was first. And so, um, again, while this not
that that fire isn't an advanced Technology to people that don't
know what fire it is, fire is, it's Completely indistinguishable from magic.
So what that, what that really means
is that people that don't know what Your technique or your solution or your
problem solving, uh, ability is, it Seems completely like, uh, magic to them. So you have to demonstrate to them why
it's not magic and why it actually works. And, you know, that kind of
goes into the, are you sure? So, . Has anyone mon lost money on this? Has any, uh, of this
been announced in public? Do you have any un unexpected supporters? Why can't your competition do this better? These are all, again, things
that are important for you to Demonstrate in your content. And finally, can you do it? Can it be done? Is it something that speaks to
the ability to execute or make the Offering real for your audience? Is it about you or your
ability to execute? Um, is it how you deliver? Is it about the price? Uh, what have you done that's similar? Why don't the regulations apply? Why isn't this restricted? Like, why are you able to
do it but nobody else can? Is there anything in your
past that would ruin this? Have others failed? Tried, uh, trying something like this? Have you ever trained,
have you trained for this? Are there other steps to take
before you can deliver it? Is there any fine print? Are there any other
third parties involved? What success has led
you to making this work? Again, it's kind of depending
on what your solution is. It's kind of explaining why it can be
done, why they can do it, or why you are Able to do it, and why other people can't. Again, it, it leads into the, are you
sure or leads from the, are you sure.
You want to continue to just
drive home these points? Do you have this in your possession? Now? What do you do if some, someone
changes his or her mind? Uh, do you have the
connections that are necessary? Is anyone better suited to deliver this? What are the repercussions
of underperformance? Who does, uh, someone
contact if there's a problem? Um, how have, uh, you dealt
with problems in the past? These are all things again that
hopefully you've eliminated all Friction to saying yes at this point. Again, what is it? How does it work? Are you sure? And can you do it? These are all things that you want to
talk about in your content creation Strategy that will allow people to say
yes to your offer, that will say yes To your solution, and remove all the
doubts, all the, all the friction, all the Things that are keeping them from saying. Um, if you answer all these questions,
and again, these are a ton of questions And you shouldn't have to run through
them anytime you're creating content. Um, but it allows you to kind of simplify
your solution into a, what is it? How does it work? Are you sure? Can you do it? It. It's the three minute rule that can
take, again, an hour, or it can take Three minutes, or it can take a minute. It's just important that you
understand what people are thinking And how to implement your solution
the most effective way possible. And that allows people to say yes
because you've checked off all Those boxes, all those unanswered
questions that they have that we Kind of discussed that allow them to. Yes, because that's what
good content creation is.
That's what content that CRE that converts
is it's content that allows you to answer Questions that are in people's heads,
that they can now be relieved that your Solution is the right one for them. So please if there's any other questions
or any other concerns or thoughts that You could add to this content creation
strategy, I'd love to hear them. Please leave a comment. And as always, um, I'd love to
keep, keep making videos like this For you, and the more you support
me, the more likely I'll do it. So please like, comment, subscribe. That way I know you like what
you're seeing, like what you're, What what I'm talking about. And hopefully at some point we can
engage offline and talk about things That you'd like to see more of. Thanks for watching.