Can I Do SEO On My Own?

It is undeniable that Search Engine Optimization is a very efficient tool for internet marketing. Consumers go to Google, Bing, Baidu, and many other search engines to look for trusted products and services online, so holding a high rank in the search results is a great deal for your business. Having SEO can take your marketing to the next level by increasing traffic, giving higher brand credibility and better Return on Investment.

SEO costs you two things: time and money. It is very crucial that small business owners and marketers should learn about the best SEO strategy and practices. If you have the money but not the time, you can run to high-ranking SEO firms or a consultant. If you have the time but not the money, there is another available option for you, do your own Search Engine Optimization!

Can I Do SEO On My Own

Also, new online marketers can be flooded by the offers of different SEO agencies that promise the same thing: high rankings in search results. Some overseas agencies offer you service for more than a hundred dollars a month and still give you low-quality SEO.

Learning this kind of practice will help you stay in touch with the activity of your search engine and assure you that you’re always producing content that helps your business boom online.

The question is, HOW?

Doing SEO by yourself

Be in your target audience’s shoes.

To do your own SEO, you must know the people who are searching for you very well. You are optimizing your web site for them. They are called your target audience. Getting to know them means determining their age, sex, geographic location, and their needs aka their pain points. Your main focus should be on these pain points for they determine what keywords and types of content resonate with your audience. You must be in your audience’s shoes to consider what they would do if they had a question. If you don’t focus on what your audience is looking for in your site, you may never be found.

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Master Keyword Research.

Although you consider yourself in your prospects’ shoes, you must never assume what they really want. That is why you need to master keyword research. You might have technical terms in your industry, but your audience might use different terms to refer to your products and services. Bear this in mind when brainstorming keywords. Utilize words that are rather casual than jargon.

The most efficient keyword tools propose a quantitative demand score that helps determine the relevant value in targeting each keyword theme. Google’s Keyword Planner is a free, go-to research tool. There are also non-Google research tools that prove to be very effective; this includes Übersuggest, a free Google Autocomplete scraper, and two paid alternatives, SEMrush and Wordtracker.

Build up your site with keywords in mind.

It’s now time to apply your understanding of your top searched and relevant keywords to your website. On your website, you must make sure that you have a page that matches each of your high and medium priority keywords. Even if they’re searching for terms that are more generally related to your site’s primary area, this will help your prospects locate your website. Use long-tail keyword themes that drive fewer searches and are typically much longer and more specific in blog posts and FAQ pages.

Know your competition.

Search your most important products and services in search engines and take note of the top websites in the search results; they are your competition. You need to study them, find out their strengths and weaknesses.

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You need to find out the following:

  • What they are good at
  • What they have that you don’t
  • If their website structure is dissimilar to yours to target more important keywords.  
  • If they have interesting traits to engage their audience more.

You can use this information to know what you lack and how to fill in the gap so you can level up your game.

Optimize on the page level.

Focusing on the text within a page of a business website is a fundamental part of SEO. Always ensure that Website elements are properly optimized to make a particular page worthy of a high ranking on a search engine’s results for a desired keyword phrase.

Regularly produce content.

Producing regular content doesn’t mean you need to start a publishing company. It’s not something online marketers do. Publishing weekly or at least monthly contents is what makes it “regular.” Contents don’t need to be text. They can be photos with short captions or weekly video bulletins with transcripts. The type of content must be based on your audience’s consumption habits.

Curate a social media presence.

In social media, your content is granted viewers. Any channel is good- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Social media connects you to your customers, industry partners, and competitors so they can share your content to the general public. This ultimately contributes to your own SEO in the long run. Having a strong social media presence builds the possibility that some viewers might blog about it or link to it.

Understand Google Analytics.

The importance of analytics in digital marketing is affiliated with financial reports in business. Google Analytics is a great place to begin, especially because almost 80% of searchers worldwide use Google. It helps you know where your visitors came from, segment your customer base, create campaigns, set and track goals, learn which keywords bring in the most organic traffic and much more.

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In Google Analytics, study the reports under Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels. By clicking on “Organic Search,” you’ll be able to analyze performance for your SEO program. Having knowledge of Google Analytics helps you improve your numbers as you do SEO by yourself.

Read SEO blogs.

Find industry blogs with the potential to provide your business with some exposure and traffic. There are always new ways to your site for search engines and one way to keep up with the date is by subscribing to an SEO-specific blog.

The Bottomline

Doing your own SEO is simpler than you think. The provided guidelines will suffice your need for having a free SEO. Sure, it takes time and effort, but if you have the willingness, you’ll be an SEO expert before you realize it. Having this knowledge and expanding it will surely make your business boom!

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About the Author: Adam