What Are Messenger Bots?

How to Get Started With Messenger Bots featuring insights from Dana Tran on the Social Media Marketing Podcast.

Do you know Facebook Messenger bots?

How we should use bots and how to set them up?

To know more about Facebook Messenger bots, I read a recommendation about listening to an interview with Dana Tran.

More About The Interview

The Social Media Marketing podcast is a radio show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to assist busy marketers, business owners, and creators. In this interview with Dana Tran, a bot expert who writes about messenger bots. Dana’s course bot necessities will found on her website ThinkTuitive.com. Dana shares the three things you need to think about before building a bot.

You’ll discover which bot-building platforms Dana recommends. Share your feedback, read the show notes, and find the links mentioned in this episode below.

Here are some of the things I discover in this show:

Facebook Messenger Bots

As a digital coach, Dana helps folks become productive by teaching them to technology. She 1st learned about messenger bots after watching Facebook 2017 F8 conference.
By sort of research, she developed her current focus on messenger bots and use them. Through her analysis, Dana amazed at how and you’ll build an interactive experience.
As a tech-lover, Dana loves fidgeting with new toys, and messenger bots were no exception. Dana saw one thing magical and special of messenger bots. They’re fun and interactive, and you don’t need to code at all to create one.
Dana perceived that bots had many potential. As a result of bots were new at the time she determined to write down web log articles and courses on bots.

Why Use a Bot?

In some ways, bots mimic email marketing, which is why some people refer to bots as email marketing 2.0. Bots build subscriber list, generate leads, deliver lead magnets, and broadcast messages. It can also combine Facebook ads with bots automate follow-ups.
Beyond email marketing tasks, bots can answer basic questions. You can also ask questions that help you learn more about users. But, Dana emphasizes that bots are not smart. Right now, the misconception is that Messenger bots can answer anything and everything.
Dana notes that Facebook has tried to fix this misconception. David Marcus, the Head of Messenger at Facebook, said, “We never called them chat-bots. We called them bots.” The idea is that bots don’t have the ability to chat about anything.
How to Get Started With Messenger Bots featuring insights from Dana Tran on the Social Media Marketing Podcast.
When you focus on using bots to answer basic, common questions, bots save a lot of time. You can automate certain tasks that don’t need a human. To illustrate, if you have a store, people likely ask all the time during the holiday season. With a bot, you can automate that task and free up your time for more meaningful conversations.
Because messenger bots are interactive to customize what you share with individuals. Dana says, this interactivity reminds her of as a child. Also, this interactivity makes bots stand out as an excellent tool.
For example, causing everyone identical long email that a bot will ask a question to find out on the user. Supported a user’s answer, the bot will tag them then follow up with another relevant question.
In different words, bots assist you to avoid with a bunch of messages to 1 specific plan.

How to Start Creating A Bot

Messenger botBefore you begin building your actual bot, you need to rely on 3 things. First, determine one business downside that you wish the bot to unravel. seek for a repetitive task or conversations that don’t need a person’s being.

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As an example, if your agency receives lot questions on your service, what queries will the bot answer? The bot could assist you with client service. Or if you’re taking up new clients, what queries will the bot answer to help? during this approach, the bot may assist you to qualify leads.

Dana emphasizes her purpose of that specializes in one business downside. If you’re unaccustomed courier bots and begin developing a bot that will too much for your users. Instead, worry of the foremost common cases. Also, confirm somebody will step in for anything outside those cases.
Second, determine yet your bot may overlap with different tools. courier bots are nice, yet, they can’t replace a person’s, your web site, email promoting, or the other tool. They’re all very different. consider how you’ll be able to integrate them and get them to figure along sort of a team.
For instance, though to send a video to users via a messenger bot, video file sizes restricted is huge. If you have got a video series with episodes that average seven minutes long episode is too big to share via bot.
Instead, send a video piece or a fun, animated GIF thus users will see what the video series is like. Underneath links to your YouTube page users will watch your YouTube channel
Third, Dana recommends testing the various bot-building platforms. If you’re unaccustomed bots, recognize that bots go on a Facebook page. You can’t have a bot on a Facebook cluster or personal profile. A bot-building platform powers the bot on a Facebook page and one platform should power your bot.
Dana emphasizes that bot platforms work much than email marketing systems. With email marketing, you can import email addresses into a spreadsheet system. With messenger bots, moving from one platform to another is possible but messy. Plan to live with the bot-building platform you choose for a while.
Listen to the show to follow how Social Media Examiner integrated a bot with its existing customer support tool.


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About the Author: Adam