In this video I walk you through my exact A-Z process for Niche Site Creation, keyword research and producing content.
Kwestify: https://diy.agency/recommends/kwestify/
AIWiseMind: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/AIWiseMind/
AIWiseMind Walkthrough Video: https://youtu.be/J9TyIo82J2M
Hey there, future online entrepreneurs! 👋 Ever wondered how to turn your passion into profit through niche site creation? 🚀 In this video, I spill the beans on my foolproof A-Z process, breaking it down to the basics so even a 3rd grader could grasp the concepts! 📚✨
🔎 Unveiling the Magic: Keyword Research and Beyond
First things first, we delve into the world of keywords. Imagine keywords as the secret code that unlocks the treasure chest of your niche! 💡 I walk you through the process of finding those golden words that your audience is searching for. 🗝️
đź’ˇ Content is King: Crafting Your Niche-Specific Articles
Once armed with your keywords, we transition to content creation. Don’t worry, I keep it as simple as ABC! đź“ť
Notes from Video:
Define Your Niche
What are you interested in?
What are your unique strengths?
What specific aspect of this niche are you most knowledgeable and passionate about?
What unique strengths or skills can you use to promote this?
What platform will you create your content on?
Is there a Market for your Niche (Market Research)
Is there demand for what you are talking about according to YouTube, FB, IG, Google Trends or Keyword Planner?
How does your topic/solution cater to this niche’s unique needs?
Is the audience in this niche likely to invest in your solution? (How do you get paid?)
Identify Your Ideal Prospect (Buyer Persona/Customer Avatar)
What is their age, profession, geographical location, or industry?
What are their pain points, responsibilities, and challenges?
What motivates them to seek a solution that you are offering (Pain Points)?
Research Your Competition (Competitor Analysis)
Who is your competition catering to?
Who is your competition targeting?
What needs are they addressing with your prospect or missing?
How do they position their solutions, and what can you learn from that?
Now, let’s use some tools to help us.
Kwestify: https://diy.agency/recommends/kwestify/
AIWiseMind: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/AIWiseMind/
AIWiseMind Walkthrough Video: https://youtu.be/J9TyIo82J2M
niche site, keyword research, content creation, online entrepreneurship, site creation, growth strategies, audience engagement, online presence, SEO tips, website customization, niche website, niche website creation, niche site creation, niche site guide, kwestify demo, aiwisemind demo
#nichesites #kwestify
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🔥▬▬▬▬▬My Favorite Tools▬▬▬▬▬💰
🔥Build Your Own Agency: https://diy.agency/recommends/ghl-yt/
🔥Make Faceless Videos In Minutes: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/pictory/
Get 20% Off Forever using Code: DIYA20
Demo: https://youtu.be/CNGduxRAEH0
🔥The BEST Voiceover Software Available: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/descript/
🔥▬▬▬▬▬My Favorite Affiliate Programs▬▬▬▬▬💰
đź’°Go HighLevel: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/ghl-affiliate/
đź’°Marketing Boost: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/marketing-boost-affiliate-program/
Demo: https://youtu.be/gqF__GEmswg
đź’°ClickFunnels: https://www.diy.agency/recommends/clickfunnels/
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Hey Adam with DIY agency here and today We're going to talk about creating and Dominating a niche um my kind of a toz Blueprint on uh what I do to uh create Content I I got a message a couple uh Couple days ago U from pyroblast M and Uh he said or she said um I think it's a Hey so good thanks for sharing can I ask You if you got a video explaining from Start to finish what an idea um from an Idea then into keyword research and Finally how to write content around Those because um his field and Target Nishe is uh completely off to mine which Is going to happen um quite frankly so Specifically I think what what is Important is he says like your reasoning Like why do I choose it so uh what I did Was create kind of a a simple you know Blueprint if you will and then I'm going To actually show you some tools that I Use uh cuz I hate doing it man manually Anymore um so let's jump right into it So the first thing that I always look at Is kind of defining your Niche um what Are you interested in what's uh what What are your unique strengths what are You going to bring to the table with This Niche um what specific a aspect of This Niche are you most knowledgeable And passionate about um and I know some Of you are already like nails on the Chalkboard because you like the word Niche instead of Niche but uh you know
That that is what it is so what unique Strengths or skills can you use to Promote this uh what platform will you Create your content on so again it's It's important like I have a full YouTube channel about um Sports and and Tech and uh that's what I'm interested In what are my unique strengths well um Hopefully I have a good understanding of Both and I'm going to bring I review Products and I'm going to bring my my uh Experience and my history uh into that Into the uh reviews and why it's Important for people to uh to to buy Them and then of course my experience With them you know was it a good or Positive uh experience um what specific Aspect of this Niche am I most Knowledgeable and passionate about so That's really when you start to go down To subes so I'm a softball coach so I Will talk about soft fast- pitched Softball bats um products and services That help train uh my players and might Be interested for moms and dads to buy Their kids so um I take it from a General niche of like you know Sports Down to a subnet um and then of course My platform is is YouTube but I also Create websites uh around this stuff so Um just understanding that creating your Niche from start to finish begins with Kind of understanding what you want to Do trust me the last thing you want to
Do is pick a niche that you're Completely not interested in because You're really going to avoid creating Content because um quite frankly it's Boring to you and and became um it Becomes laborious and uh there's a lot Of friction there so let's make sure It's something you enjoy and something That you think at least from the Beginning that you can do 5 years from Now so the next thing that we want to do Is a little bit of market research we Want to see if there's actually a market For our Niche are there people that are Interested in it um is there a demand For what you're talking about uh According to YouTube Facebook Facebook Instagram Google Trends Keyword Planner Um Tik Tok whatever your your you know Platform is going to be look on it for That content or there are people Interested in it um I always like to Look at Google Trends or Keyword Planner Um just understand you know if there's Search volume are there people that are Actually searching for that content um YouTube's a good good place for that as Well um how does your topic your topic Or solution cater to this nich's unique Need so again I'm just speaking to my uh To my you know uh my sports fol focused Uh YouTube channel um I again I I try And talk about products and services That or products specifically that
People are going to be interested in if They're uh you know bringing up a Softball player um you know what bats to Choose or you know bats are expensive They're up to $500 or more nowadays so Like picking the right softball bat is One heck of an investment so um my Experience with a number of different Bats seeing a lot of players hit with Different bats how often they break Whether they're good for you know Bunting slapping uh hitting bombs like Those things are important so um you Know my specific solution caters to that Unique need in my opinion um and is this Audience in this Niche likely to invest In your solution how do you get paid so There's am I going to create a a course Am I doing affiliate marketing uh where I'm literally promoting specific Products um what is the way that you're Going to get paid and quite frankly if You're not going to get paid for this Why are you doing it um so sometimes There's you know simple just content Creation you can use YouTube and get Paid for views um again there's Affiliate marketing there's AdSense for Uh for Google web pages um understanding How you're going to get paid is kind of The end if you aren't going to get paid For your you know your topic here then Stop and go find something that Interests you enough that you can get
Paid from because otherwise doing the Rest of this stuff is uh is certainly Not worth it all right so the next thing We want to do is identify our ideal Prospect you've probably heard the terms Buyer Persona or customer Avatar um who Are we speaking to who's your audience What what is it exactly um that that This audience is or um you know what About them is going to be uh of interest To you and more importantly what is your Solution going to do for that specific Audience so what's their age what's Their profession their geographic Location um what industry are they in uh What are their main pain points or Responsibilities what challenges why are They interested in your content um what Motivates them to se solution that You're offering like with those pain Points like are they that bad that They're going to actively search for a Solution or is it a nice to have and That's really important so you know when Somebody buys a glove Believe It or Not Uh for for softball for for example um Unless the glove breaks or they outgrow It usually it's a oneandone solution um Because a kid can catch or they can't Catch uh the glove usually isn't really A big thing so if you are trying to push Gloves to people um you know that may Not be a a pain point that people are Trying to solve however a bat um you
Know Believe It or Not people get a lot More um you know uh I guess interested In in what bat they're using and what Bat other teammates are using or Opponents are using because um that ball That gets caught or like the popup or You know whatever the result is um Usually there's a lot more pain in the Result of a swing than there is in the Result of a catch so um if the kid drops Theall it's usually because they just Can't catch it has nothing to do with The equipment whereas a lot of people Tend to blame the bat based on the fact That their kid swing isn't great or They're not a good hitter um but they'll Find the bat is the first thing so um What motivates them to seek a solution And uh are they interested in it so That's you know really really helpful And finally what we want to do is Research the competition um a competitor Analysis uh you know what is the the Market itself as far as Solutions uh Providing who are uh you know who who Are the comp competitors uh catering to Um who are they um targeting Specifically that helps you To understand if your audience is the Right audience um and what subdivision Of that audience are they talking to are They talking to moms are they talking to Dads are they talking to the players for Example for softball um is there is
There some kind of specific uh you know We're only talking travel players are we Talking about you know uh t-ball and uh Wreck players you know there's a lot of Different subdivisions of that Niche That you want to focus on and that may Make a difference in what your product And service offerings are and more Specifically it may make a difference in How interested people are again t-ball And wreck ball um softball players People aren't really going to be Interested in spending $500 on a batle Lot of times but a travel program Softball player apparent they may very Well be interested in buying multiple uh Bats and you know training AIDS and and The like so um what that ideal Prospect Is um really can help be defined by the Competition and what you know what you See other people doing and you may not Even know that there's a whole audience Out there a great product to offer um Until you research your uh competition I Can't tell you how many times I've found Solutions for for my per personal pain Points let alone my audience's pain Points just by researching competition And seeing stuff so um who are they Targeting is obviously important what Needs are they addressing with their uh With with with your prospect um and uh What are they missing with that and how Do they position their Solutions uh and
What can you learn from that how are They uh addressing those uh those needs For your prospect um you may not be Doing it the right way so that's kind of Just an overall um how I do it uh so Let's actually talk about utilizing Tools for automated solutions that I Think uh make this a lot easier so uh Let's jump into that all right so the First thing I'm going to do is I'm going To put a link down below it's a a Company called quest ify or a product Called quesy and this thing is really Really awesome if you don't feel like Just going and uh doing the manual work That we just talked about about figuring Out things that you want and uh Researching uh you know niches that You're interested in um this thing is Really really cool there's a couple Different things that we're going to Talk about here uh with this specific Tool and then I'm going to demonstrate How they're used and how it can Literally help you if you don't know What you're doing or if you're trying to Figure out a niche that might be Interesting to you but don't have the Time to kind of really brain stor it uh What we're going to do is we're going to Look at their Niche Digger uh and really What it's going to do is uncover um you Know profitable Market niches that are Uh that are really starting to um you
Know grow out there so what we would do Is literally just hit Niche Digger and It's going to ask me for a um a campaign Name and then I'm going to either Generate a random Niche list uh a list Of little known niches um sub nites um Or Niche products so uh what I would do Is then generate a random Niche list if I didn't know what I'm doing all right So this gave me uh a list of a hundred Different uh Niche topics now again this Could be something if I wanted even more I could certainly do that this is just You know 50 of the 100 results and uh What this shows me is not only the you Know the actual keywords but then I can Kind of search them on Google Amazon YouTube or Google Trends to kind of see What kind of activity there is so uh one That I that I found you know pretty Interesting was virtual reality games Because I think that's a pretty Important uh growing uh you know uh I Guess Niche so uh all I would do is Click on this that then takes me to Google Trends and I can see the interest Over time now I can adjust this um to go You know a long time 20 years 5 years a Custom time frame um generally speaking I like to do a a one year to get a real Good feel of kind of what goes on during The course of the year and understand There's almost always going to be a drop Off around Christmas to to New Year's um
You're almost always going to see kind Of a this drop off um done now also Important is kind of how important it is By by region uh you know again this is Really big in Nigeria and Kenya um United States uh we can start looking at Related topics related queries uh Meaning that somebody going in and Typing in virtual reality games uh we Can find keywords that are relevant to That and this will give me 25 different Keywords that are relevant uh which is Really really important and so if I Decide that virtual reality Games is Something I'm interested in that's a Gigantic topic so I may want to break it Down into a further sub Nitch that I can Explore a little bit further so again What we do is we go back to our questy Page and we will be looking for um our Niche Digger and again we would be Looking for sub Niche ideas and again um All I would do is type in uh the virtual Reality Games there and go further down The rabbit hole if you will of sub Nitches and and again I already ran the Campaign so let's do that all right so This is going to give me uh a list of Again 100 sub niches underneath virtual Reality Games and we can see horror Games puzzle games educational VR games Um escape room games sci-fi shooter gam All kind of relevant to uh again VR Games and so again it's it's up to you
Whether or not you pick one or multiple And what I always recommend is if Something grabs your attention you know There may be for instance VR escape room Games there may be seven uh similar in Here that are worth uh exploring so I Would just continue to research this and Uh dig dig pretty deep spend some time Doing it but once you have an idea What's interesting to you and you think Is a relevant Niche again what we may Want to do is uh check the Google Trends It may not even be important to you Because it's something that really uh is Exciting to you and so therefore you Maybe want to just dive right into it so If is interesting to you uh the next Step is kind of uh coming up with Keywords now that we know exactly what Uh what topic we want to cover so There's a lot of different ways we can Do this we can do uh a general keyword Discovery we can do what people also Search for um we can do related searches To that particular keyword and what I Always like to do is uh is people always Ask so um really what I would do is Again enter the campaign name enter in My keyword um I can either choose Whether it includes keywords exclud Keywords make sure that there's nothing Um similar in the results and again I Can choose however many Max results I Want and it's really going to just
Search for Google and so once we've done That again just looking for VR escape Room games because that's our sub Nitch That we're interested in uh what we'll Find is a whole bunch of like questions That are actually typed in directly to Google um that people are asking so are There VR escape room games um are VR Escape room games any good how does a VR Escape room work uh what are the Benefits of VR is so as you can see There's a lot of different people or a Lot of searches that are being done for These particular keywords now part of This is how do I make it profitable do I Promote a specific escape room game am I Doing a course on how to create escape Room games um or VR escape room games You're you know how you monetize that is Really up to you and I do recommend Again that you make sure you know how You're going to monetize before you Start building out campaigns but um this Gives me a whole list of relevant Keywords that again I can I did the um The questions asked but I can also find Relevant keywords that I want to utilize And what I want to do is start creating A a full database of keywords and Questions that people are asking so I Know exactly what I want to create Content based on and that's what we're Going to do is jump into our next tool And so um I'm literally just going to
Copy um let let's see I'm going to copy The selected uh select all 107 and I'm Literally just going to copy that and I'm going to take that over to my next Tool all right so my next tool is Actually made by the same company uh and I I think it's fantastic and again I'll Have a link below it's aiy mind and it's Really about creating content Automatically utilizing keywords so uh We can do a couple different things we Can use an informational post a uh Product review from Amazon other product Reviews we can do YouTube post but for This specific thing what I'm going to do Is I'm going to create a a bunch of Website posts and then if I choose to I Can then create content on YouTube or Instagram or whatever based on the Results of these posts and what it's Going to do is create an article for This all the all these keywords that I Just copied over and all these questions Um so let's just call it all right so we Call it virtual reality escape room Games and I'm literally just going to Paste all those questions question s That they just talked about and from There I can create affiliate links in This um so I integrate affiliate links Into it um I can add some context about Uh you know what what I want the results To be I can use the actual Keywords are there VR Escape rooms as
The titles or I can allow an AI to Really just create similar titles I'm Going to actually use keywords as a Title and um I'm not going to put any Affiliate links in right now I can Always do that after the fact um if There is an affiliate link I can you Know have it linked to a specific thing Um I can have it say visit official Website purchase now blah blah blah blah Um I can choose how many links I want in There um if I want to have button colors Uh add no follows to it um add my own um Affiliate links or or text uh I'm sorry Affiliate uh anchors or I can actually Put in a specific link if I wanted to Here from there I can add video and Embeds and so basically it will'll yank Um YouTube videos related to that Particular topic the keyword um or I can Also add images so um if I use the video Embeds it's going to automatically Search YouTube for related videos or I Can add a custom uh video so if I want To promote my one of my own YouTube Videos I would go ahead and do that There simply by adding the uh video URL Here as far as images and I can choose Not to include images if I want and I Can choose not to include videos Um what we would do is uh extract images From URLs when uh when available stock Images AI generated images or Google Search images so I'm just going to do
Simply Google search images and again um It it does tell you that there's uh when Generating uh D3 or Dolly um uh three Images uh there is some pricing uh costs Associated with it you can also add Images uh copyright disclosures in there U and then from there you know what we Have the ability to do is kind of choose How the content is created uh whether we Want to use a specific uh GPT uh turbo Or regular um GPT model um what language We want it to be in so if you want to Create something in French in Spanish Whatever you can choose from that those Things um tons of different languages in There what's the tone of voice do I want To be professional conversational Humorous uh athetic blah blah blah um I Always like to use just friendly and do We want to do it as a first person like I me you or I'm sorry I me mine um first Person plural second person third person Uh I always just tend or you can do do a Random I always tend to use just second Person talking about you need to do this You are this um and then how many uh Posts am I going to create so uh based On this I have 107 uh different keywords now if I'm Using keywords as a title which is the You know the goal here I'm just going to Create 107 keywords if I wanted to Create you know uh take this off and Create 500 I could do uh 500 different
Posts created based on that so again Finding this down here we are going to Create 107 and then we can publish immediately Or publish on a schedule and why am I Publishing on a schedule because I'm Going to be posting this to you to uh WordPress and so really what you can do Is with this you can connect your WordPress sites I'm not going to go into That there's another video um that walks You through aiy mind which I'll link Below um that can walk you through this Whole process but really what you would Be doing is posting directly to WordPress and you select which site that You want to connect and then what the Published status is so um real simple And then of course I can schedule this Meaning do I want to do one post a day Do I want to do 10 posts a day how many Posts do I want to do per day so that I Don't uh you know jam up uh Google when They index all my content so I would do One every day and so now I have 17 Days Full of content coming Out and for this purpose I'm not going To post you to to WordPress because I Just want to show you the results as I Run this campaign but again um what I Can do is I can generate featured images Tags uh categories uh all these Different things and I can add internal Links which means I can have it linking
Between different posts within my WordPress uh website so really really Cool stuff but again uh I'm going to not Do that right now because I just want to Show you uh the results and I'm going to Actually publish immediately so I get All 107 posts so you can see what they Look like so I'm going to go ahead and Create all right this may take a moment Just cuz again I'm creating 107 Different pieces of content so the AI is Writing in the background and uh so you Do need to give it a few minutes to kind Of uh let it do its thing now again if It was autop posting to WordPress I'd be Gone I wouldn't care but here it you Know I'm going to demonstrate it for you So I just want to share with you so I'm Going to pause here and just come back When it's complete all right so it's Been about uh a minute I'm already at 39 Post so I'm just going to go ahead and Click in so you can see what they uh They look like and again I'm just going To scroll to the bottom here and we're Going to see uh a whole bunch of stuff That's um we'll just click the status Button so that we see what's done and Again uh what was the first thing to do In an escape room can you play escape Room simul simulator in VR our virtual Reality Escape rooms any good so let's Look at what the uh articles are looking Like but I also want to showcase how
Many words these are all creating so you Know I've got 2500 word articles I've Got 1,200 word articles it's all kind of Uh all over the place um but you know The idea being that it's not just 2500 Every single time so Google looks for That stuff just so you know um so let's Just uh does escape simulator have VR um How does a VR escape room work let's Talk about that so I'm going to click on It and so it gives me kind of my title My meta description um an actual article Article again if you'll note um not only Is it giving me some uh some nice nice Content but it's broken out in a nice Easy to read format um again there's Going to be pictures if I wanted videos If I wanted um that that are uh that Post directly to WordPress but since I Just uh printed out here um you're not Going to actually have that but if you Do want to integrate it into WordPress Which I highly highly highly recommend Um to automate this whole process um These things would just literally Pro You know pump into uh to WordPress and Again if you actually read this which I'm not going to bother to do but um Just I can tell you the content's Amazing imagine being transported to a Surreal world where you are the are Challenged to solve puzzles find hidden Objects and unravel the Mysteries around You in this captivating article we will
Explore the F fascinating realm of VR Escape rooms and delve into the into how They work brace yourself for an Immersive Adventure that will leave you Questioning reality and craving for more Get ready to escape into exciting world Of real virtual reality so I want you to Understand yeah it's a little stupid to Call it a captivating article but I Think what's important that I think you Need to understand as a potential uh you Know user of this uh this product is They used a lot of keywords that people Would be utilizing when talking about VR And escape room so immersive um Adventure um questioning reality uh Escape um you know unravel the mystery These are things that people would be Talking about in that you know Particular Niche so um really really Important that again we then talk what Is a VR escape room definition of it key Components of it setting up one Hardware Requirements software requirements Creating the environment designing the Puzzles testing and be like it's not Going to be a perfect article but man it Covers a lot of great great information And Google would digest this stuff and Just think about how many keywords are Being utilized so um yes yes my specific Keyword search is how does a VR escape Room work um so when people type that Into Google it's super super relevant
But again it's loaded with keywords like VR Escape rooms Um you know uh Hardware components uh VR Headsets again VR software 3D modeling Like all the the relevant keywords that This could potentially rank for um all Within that Niche so again it's it's Important understand how would I Monetize this I would be putting in some You know whether it's a Content uh or I'm sorry a course um or something I'm Promoting whatever I'm promoting uh I'm Going to put links throughout this so it Gets promoted and so you can put Whatever calls to action you want to do In there it could be kind of lead Capture type thing if you're trying to You know uh create a course um it could Be a sign up it could be uh just a Simple link to somebody else's product Uh whatever it is uh hopefully that Gives you an understanding of you know Again the simplest and easiest way to Create content now from here I have a Blueprint literally a blueprint for a YouTube video or a Instagram post or Tik Tok whatever um whatever I choose to do I've already got the content that's That's created for me so obviously all I Would do is then just read it understand It digest it and that way I can do a Video about it or I can literally just Share this kind of thing um you know uh On uh YouTube and literally just walk
Through step by step as I'm reading Through the article I wrote and I you Know maybe put it on my website which Would be you know VR escaperoom Creation.com or something like that um Where I'm building that WordPress site Where I'm just loading all this content Um I then just literally take that page And I I you know walk through it and Then once I have a a YouTube um article I would then maybe consider doing more Um more articles and then having that YouTube video being the very specific URL that YouTube uh embed that we talked About that would be maybe the one I Embed into all the other future posts so Um again hopefully this is you helping You understand my a toz philosophy and Exactly how I would do stuff now knowing Exactly what my content is already um or My my my topic is I maybe skip um a Whole bunch of the original you know Defining your Niche is there a market For your Niche once you know what you're Doing um it's easy to kind of use those Two tools but if you don't start here so Hopefully this has been helpful uh if You have any questions that uh that You'd love answered um please leave a Comment below and uh thanks for watching