Analyzing the Number of Units Sold: Factors and Considerations

In “Analyzing the Number of Units Sold: Factors and Considerations,” Alex Hormozi, an investor and author of the book $100M Leads, shares his experiences in doubling one of his portfolio companies within 60 days by addressing five key problems. These problems included a lack of processes for acquisition, issues with product, low show rates, low close rates, and organizational structure issues. Hormozi explains the importance of show rates, offer rates, close rates, percentage of cash collected upfront, and unit sold in determining the success of a business. By improving these factors, the overall outcome of the number of units sold can be significantly enhanced.

Hormozi’s insights and data-driven approach demonstrate the value of identifying and addressing various factors that influence the success of a business. From show rates to cash collected upfront, every aspect plays a crucial role in achieving better results. By understanding and improving these factors, businesses can increase the quality of leads, close more deals, and ultimately boost their sales and growth. Hormozi’s experiences serve as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to enhance their strategies and achieve greater success.

Factors Affecting the Number of Units Sold

When it comes to increasing the number of units sold in your business, there are several factors that can have a significant impact. These factors include the quality of leads, show rate, offer rate, close rate, percentage of cash collected upfront, ad targeting and optimization, sales scripts and objection handling, organizational structure, management, and the sales team. By examining each of these factors and implementing strategies to improve them, you can effectively enhance your sales performance and achieve greater success in your business.

Quality of Leads

The quality of leads is a crucial factor that can greatly influence the number of units sold in your business. The importance of lead quality cannot be overstated. When you have high-quality leads, you have a greater chance of converting them into customers. On the other hand, if your leads are of low quality, it will be more challenging to make sales and ultimately increase the number of units sold.

To improve lead quality, there are several strategies you can employ. Firstly, it is important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and ensure that your marketing efforts are directed towards them. This will help you attract leads that are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

Additionally, investing in lead generation tools and techniques can also help improve lead quality. By utilizing tools such as lead scoring and lead nurturing, you can identify the most promising leads and provide them with targeted messaging and offers that are tailored to their needs and preferences.

Show Rate

The show rate refers to the percentage of people who have an appointment and actually show up for it. This metric is important because it represents the number of prospects who are genuinely interested in your products or services and are willing to invest their time in learning more about them.

Benchmarking your show rate is important to determine how well you are performing in terms of attracting and engaging prospects. The industry benchmark for show rate is typically around 70%. If your show rate is below this benchmark, it may indicate that there are issues with your marketing or appointment setting strategies.

To improve your show rate, it is crucial to optimize your targeting and messaging. Ensuring that your marketing efforts reach the right audience and effectively communicate the value of your products or services can significantly increase the likelihood of prospects showing up for their appointments. Additionally, providing incentives or rewards for attending appointments can also help boost your show rate.

Offer Rate

The offer rate refers to the percentage of prospects to whom you actually make an offer. This metric is a reflection of the quality of your leads and how well you qualify them before making an offer.

Comparing your actual offer rate to the industry benchmark can help identify areas for improvement. If your offer rate is lower than the benchmark, it may indicate that there are issues with your lead qualification process or that your targeting is not accurate.

To improve your offer rate, it is important to ensure that you are effectively qualifying your leads before making an offer. This can involve asking the right questions, understanding their needs and preferences, and assessing their readiness to purchase. By focusing on high-quality leads and targeting them appropriately, you can increase your offer rate and ultimately boost the number of units sold.

Close Rate

The close rate is a vital metric that measures the percentage of offers made to prospects that result in a sale. A high close rate indicates that you are effectively converting leads into customers, while a low close rate may imply that there are issues with your sales strategies or processes.

Benchmarking your close rate against the industry standard is crucial to identify areas for improvement. The typical benchmark for close rate is around 40%. If your close rate is below this benchmark, it may indicate that there are obstacles in your sales process that need to be addressed.

To improve your close rate, it is important to focus on sales techniques and strategies that are proven to be effective. This may include training your sales team on effective objection handling, building strong relationships with prospects, and clearly communicating the unique value proposition of your products or services. By continuously refining your sales process and addressing any obstacles or objections that arise, you can increase your close rate and drive more sales.

Percentage of Cash Collected Upfront

The percentage of cash collected upfront refers to the amount of money that is collected from customers at the time of purchase. This metric is important because it directly impacts your cash flow and financial stability.

Comparing your actual cash collection percentage to the industry benchmark can help you assess your performance in this area. If your cash collection percentage is lower than the benchmark, it may indicate that you are not effectively collecting payments upfront, which can negatively impact your cash flow.

To enhance your cash collection percentage, it is important to implement strategies that encourage customers to pay upfront. This can include offering incentives or discounts for upfront payments, implementing payment policies that prioritize upfront collection, and providing convenient and secure payment options. By focusing on increasing the percentage of cash collected upfront, you can improve your financial stability and allocate resources more effectively.

Ad Targeting and Optimization

Ad targeting and optimization plays a significant role in attracting the right audience and maximizing the reach and impact of your marketing campaigns. When your ads are targeted accurately and optimized effectively, you can increase the number of leads and conversions, ultimately driving more sales.

Issues with ad targeting can hinder your ability to attract qualified leads and impact your overall sales performance. By targeting the wrong audience, you may be wasting resources and failing to reach prospects who are genuinely interested in your products or services.

To improve ad targeting and optimization, it is important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and their preferences. Conducting market research, analyzing customer data, and utilizing targeting tools can help you narrow down your audience and create more relevant and effective ads. Additionally, regularly monitoring and optimizing your ad campaigns based on performance metrics can help you increase their effectiveness and drive more sales.

Sales Scripts and Objection Handling

Sales scripts and objection handling techniques are essential for guiding your sales team and ensuring that they are equipped to effectively communicate with prospects and address their concerns and objections. When sales scripts are well-crafted and objection handling techniques are effective, you can enhance the likelihood of closing sales and increasing the number of units sold.

Challenges with sales scripts can arise when they are generic or lack personalization. If your sales team is using scripts that don’t resonate with prospects or fail to address their specific needs and pain points, it can hinder your sales performance.

To enhance sales scripts and objection handling, it is important to ensure that your scripts are tailored to your target audience and the products or services you are selling. Personalizing scripts, focusing on building rapport with prospects, and addressing objections proactively can greatly improve your sales performance. Regularly reviewing and refining your scripts based on feedback and performance metrics can help you optimize your sales process and increase the number of units sold.

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of your business can have a significant impact on your sales performance. A well-designed and efficient organizational structure provides clarity, accountability, and the necessary support to drive sales.

Negative effects of poor organizational structure can include lack of clarity, confusion in roles and responsibilities, and a lack of alignment between different departments. These issues can hinder effective communication, coordination, and collaboration, which in turn impact the overall sales performance.

Identifying organizational structure issues is crucial to address them effectively. Conducting an assessment of your current structure, seeking feedback from employees, and analyzing the flow of information and decision-making processes can help you identify areas for improvement. By streamlining communication channels, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and fostering a culture of collaboration, you can optimize your organizational structure and enhance your sales performance.


Effective management is another crucial factor that can greatly impact the number of units sold in your business. Strong and effective management provides guidance, support, and motivation to the sales team, ensuring that they have the necessary resources and skills to drive sales.

Issues with management can include a lack of leadership, poor communication, and a failure to provide the necessary training and development opportunities for the sales team. These issues can result in a lack of motivation, low employee morale, and ultimately, a negative impact on sales performance.

To improve management, it is important to invest in leadership training and development for managers. Providing them with the skills and tools necessary to effectively lead and support their teams can greatly enhance your sales performance. Additionally, fostering a culture of open communication, setting clear goals and expectations, and recognizing and rewarding top performers can also help drive sales and increase the number of units sold.

Sales Team

The sales team is a critical component of your business and plays a key role in driving sales and increasing the number of units sold. Having a motivated, skilled, and well-trained sales team can greatly contribute to your sales performance.

Issues with the sales team can include a lack of training, a mismatch between skills and job requirements, and low motivation. These issues can hinder the ability of the sales team to effectively engage with prospects, communicate the value of your products or services, and close sales.

To enhance the performance of your sales team, it is essential to invest in training and development programs that equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. Additionally, providing ongoing coaching and support, setting clear goals and expectations, and fostering a positive and motivating work environment can greatly contribute to improving your sales performance and increasing the number of units sold.


In conclusion, increasing the number of units sold in your business requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account multiple factors. By focusing on factors such as lead quality, show rate, offer rate, close rate, percentage of cash collected upfront, ad targeting and optimization, sales scripts and objection handling, organizational structure, management, and the sales team, you can effectively enhance your sales performance and achieve greater success.

It is important to consider each of these factors and implement strategies to improve them in order to achieve the desired results. By continuously evaluating and refining your sales processes, addressing any challenges or obstacles that arise, and investing in the development of your team, you can increase the number of units sold and achieve your business goals. Remember, achieving increased units sold is a result of a combination of factors, and by considering and improving each of these factors, you can drive success in your business.

About the Author: Adam